Carmack prepara una nueva tecnología de reproducción de vídeo que "establecerá un nuevo listón para la calidad"
28 MAY 2018 10:14
El nuevo formato llegará primero como una prueba del corto Henry para Go y los últimos móviles compatibles con Gear VR.
Oculus prepara el lanzamiento de una nueva versión de Henry, el cortometraje ganador de un Emmy de Oculus Story Studio, que utilizará una nueva tecnología de reproducción de vídeo estereoscópico que sentará nuevas bases para la calidad de vídeo en realidad virtual, según afirma John Carmack, CTO de Oculus.
Vamos a hacer un relanzamiento de Henry de Story Studio con mi nueva tecnología de reproducción de vídeo que nos permite reproducir contenidos de 5k x 5k a 60 fps en el Go y los GearVR más nuevos. Será una gran descarga, pero establecerá un nuevo listón para la calidad de vídeo inmersiva.
A diferencia de la versión de Henry que había para PC con Unreal Engine y que se renderizaba en tiempo real, esta nueva versión es un vídeo capturado, por lo que el trabajo para el procesador recae en la decodificación y reproducción de dicho vídeo. Según explica Carmack, básicamente lo que hace es que "crea una base de 2k x 2k, luego extrae la sección central de 5k x 2k (1k para cada ojo) y la corta en 10 segmentos, de los cuales solo tres más la base se decodifican a la vez". Se trata de un nuevo formato de vídeo personalizado del que, una vez esté probado, espera lanzar las herramientas para su utilización, además del código.
Esta remasterización del vídeo de Henry para móviles llegará próximamente como una aplicación independiente que tendremos que instalar en nuestro dispositivo.
#11 28 MAY 2018 11:52
Q. Okay. Now, at some point in time you had a meeting at your house, on your patio, in March of 2014 with John Carmack and Brendan Iribe right when you were thinking about buying Oculus. Do you remember that meeting?
A. Yes.
Q. That was the first time you had ever met John Carmack,right?
A. Yes.
Q. It was the three of you at your house, correct?
A. I think the three of us were there, although I thoughtthere were different conversations. I remembered talking to Brendan and Carmack separately. We may have also spoken together, I think, for a period, but I think we also each had time separately.
Q. Okay. And you knew who John Carmack was, right?
A. Yes.
Q. And you knew that John Carmack was associated with id before he ever went to Oculus, right?
A. I did not.
Q. Okay. Let's take a look at PX102.
Q. This is an email from you on Sunday, March 16th, to John Carmack, and I believe this is the day of the meeting or a meeting that you had at your house where you met Mr. Carmack onfirst -- for the first time face-to-face. Do I have that right?
A. Yes.
Q. Okay. And you write, "It was surreal for me as I grew up playing your games and have always admired your work."Do you see that?
A. Yes.
Q. Okay. And so you at least knew of the games that John Carmack --
A. Yeah.
Q. -- had built, right?
A. Yes. I knew of his games.
Q. Like Doom and Quake and all those?
A. Yes.
Q. You grew up playing those games?
A. Yes.
Y luego mas tarde el abogado de Zenimax lo intenta extrapolar, yo creo que con exito:
A. No. I think what would normally happen in a case like this is, if someone has some claim or alleges something, our legal team will look into it. That's their job, and we have alot of good lawyers who will look into this. Now, it is pretty common when you announce a big deal or do something that all kinds of people just kind of come outof the woodwork and try to claim that they own some portion ofthe deal. I mean, this case, I think like probably a lot of thepeople in the Court, I had never even heard of ZeniMax before,and I bet that most of the -- that a lot of the people on ourlegal team hadn't either.So I know our legal team would take this seriouslyand would look into this and examine this, but they're notgoing to take a lot of my time going through a lot of detailson something that they don't think is credible.
Q. Come out of the woodwork. Let's talk about that for asecond, sir. Come out of the woodwork. Did everyone at Oculus and Facebook forget that the only place that chief technology officer of Oculus worked for his entire career was ZeniMax and id? Did they forget that? Was that out of the woodwork, that fact?
Vamos, que los abogados de Bethesda/Zenimax se metieron a todo el mundo en el bolsillo !!!
#12 » Respuesta a tristanc #6 28 MAY 2018 17:07