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  • Breakroom (PC)

    Noviembre 1, 2016


    Turn your virtual reality headset into a multi-monitor system! Breakroom lets you use Windows inside VR. You can surround yourself with applications. Work on Photoshop ...
    Oculus HTC Vive OSVR
  • Caretaker Sacrifice (PC)

    Agosto 17, 2016


    It is the end of everything. The stars went out long ago; everyone you knew and loved is dead. Now, alone in chill of the endless void, you have one last task -- to battle ...
    Oculus HTC Vive OSVR
  • Holodance (PC)

    Abril 5, 2016


    Freestyle VR Rhythm Game SandboxHolodance now supports osu!-beatmaps which gives you thousands of high quality, perfectly synched beatmaps that you can now play in Virtual ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Space Pirate Trainer (PC)

    Abril 5, 2016


    Space Pirate Trainer is the official trainer for wannabe space pirates on the HTC Vive. Remember those awesome classic arcade cabinets? Imagine if those were immersive... ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Minigolf VR (PC)

    Marzo 30, 2016


    Minigolf VR is the first ‘Social VR’ game developed exclusively for current-gen VR hardware. Built exclusively for VR from day 1, MinigolfVR lets you play with friends, and ...
    Oculus HTC Vive OSVR
  • Combat Core (PC)

    Agosto 18, 2016


    Combat Core is a 3D arena fighting game sporting a colorful mix of modern aesthetics and futuristic cyberpunk. Fighters from across the galaxy have gathered to compete in ...
    Oculus HTC Vive OSVR
  • Chunks (PC)

    Abril 11, 2016


    Chunks is a block-based sandbox game built for virtual reality. Build cities and monuments while you're the size of a giant, then shrink yourself to walk inside your ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Guided Meditation VR (PC)

    Octubre 3, 2016


    Meditation made simple & visual.Bring peace, joy, and calm back into your daily life with the virtual relaxation app Guided Meditation VR. Transform your home into an ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Mutato Match (PC)

    Sin confirmar


    Planets all over the galaxy are in need of creature re-population! Travel through systems in your rocket ship lab making Mutato species needed to save the planets. Grab a ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • High Fidelity (PC)

    Noviembre 9, 2016


    High Fidelity is an open source, cross-platform virtual reality app that gives you the power to create, explore, and share virtual worlds together. Build worlds of any ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Lucid Trips (PC)

    Enero 12, 2017


    Lucid Trips is a VR experience which takes places in planetary dream worlds. You explore an artistically designed surrounding with a completely new concept, defining and ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Soldiers of Heaven VR (PC)

    Septiembre 29, 2016


    You are an embedded journalist travelling with a small US Army special forces team as they battle "The Soldiers of Heaven" - a religious cult in Iraq that tried ...
    Oculus HTC Vive
  • Fork Truck Challenge (PC)

    Julio 24, 2015


    Fork Truck Challenge is a game about moving cargo from point A to point B. Players test their accuracy skills to the limit by operating heavy lifting machinery. You gain ...
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