Splash N Dash (Quest) (APP LAB)
Do you just love the idea of creating something beautiful with paint but don't think you have the skills?
Well now, just like in the real world, you can paint by number. This time though, in virtual reality, there is no need to worry about the paint stains and spills, the brushes or even the canvas.
'splashNdash' is the brand new Virtual Reality paint by number application based on the amazing 'Tilt Brush platform.
The app is still under development but we hope to add some great and exciting features very soon.
The app is free to use for non commercial purposes which is great for you. Kick back, sit back (or stand) and experience one of the most relaxing and stress reducing ways of creating art.
We look forward to your feedback and requests for future updates.
Happy painting.
The 'small' team @ 'splashNdash'
VIP 360Desarrolladores
VIP 360Enlaces
Fecha de salida
Septiembre 8, 2021
HMDs compatibles
Forma de juego
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