Supermarket (PC)

With this games you can go shopping!
You will have to buy the products from a shopping list, with money and a limited time.
And you will also have to avoid colliding with the other people who are buying.
You must complete different levels of difficulty in two different supermarkets. One smaller and easier to travel and another much larger and more real.
You can buy the products as if you felt inside a real supermarket, being able to take them with your hands and deposit them in the cart.
In addition you can take objects from a distance and you can move freely teleportándote to different sections in a simple way.
Finally, the different difficulties are unlocked as you overcome challenges.
They have also added some mini games in which you can do what you've never done in a supermarket but you've always wanted: flip bottle challenge, basketball in carts, bowling with wine bottles, throwing tennis ball to product towers, and more ...


Vicente Rosell Roig



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Marzo 30, 2018

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