And You're There, Too (PC)

And You’re There, Too is an ongoing collaborative experience that asks people around the world to quickly describe the future they dream about for themselves. The user is taken through an environment where they have a chance to interact with passing objects and unlock randomized submissions. No two playthroughs will be the same. 

As more people contribute to the project, more levels will be added. 

This project was designed for TEDxTylerPark and was built continuing in the themes of collaboration, listening, and empathy that drives most of my other work. At its core, I just want everyone to have the opportunity to learn from one another in unexpected, creative, honest, and engaging ways. It pairs extraordinary with ordinary, and was inspired by the overview effect that astronauts experience while looking at the Earth from space, 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami, Into The Magic Shop by James R. Doty, and my previous project: Almost Something.

Though set in space, I wanted this project to reference the moments in which we sit down to try learn more about another person, and the missed connections that happen along the way. 


Alex Serpentini


Alex Serpentini



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Fecha de salida

Noviembre 20, 2018

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego