VR Paintings (Android)

In VR Paintings™, you enter colorful oil paintings and experience them as fully immersive 360° virtual reality experiences. Living within these colorful oil paintings unbounded by edges, you can turn left and right; zoom in and out; return to the gallery; and then view the painting again as a flat image; read information about the painting and the exhibition; and explore other rooms and exhibitions in the gallery.
• Explore The Floating Gallery™
• Enter Hybrid VR Paintings™
• Enjoy paintings and galleries as fully interactive 360° environments
• View paintings as flat images
• Retrieve information about paintings and exhibits
• Connect with online resources such as downloadable PDFs
Developer, Dave Alber says, “VR Paintings connects the long continuity of the oil painting tradition with the immediacy of 21st century technology. Not everyone sees the value of art, but friends of the art tradition will certainly want to explore this marriage of art and VR technology.”





