Battlescar (PC)
It's 1978, New York City, running through a gritty subway station in NYC when WHOOSH! – a graffiti-splattered subway train nearly takes you out. The voice of Rosario Dawson fills your ears with main character Lupe’s words, punk music’s blaring, and your adrenaline level is sky-high.
Battlescar is a 6DOF experience that invites you to dive into the grungy punk world of teenage runaways, Lupe and Debbie. Lupe, a Puerto Rican American 16-year-old, meets Debbie in the cell of a juvenile detention center. Debbie will introduce Lupe to the punk rock scene of the Lower East Side and the secret worlds of Alphabet City.KEY FEATURES
BattleScar is a coming of age drama that explores the theme of identity through the use of animation and immersive environments in virtual reality.
Motion sensors in the headset allow the system to keep track of your movement, making it so you can move throughout the three-episode, animated VR-series in 6DoF & 3D real-time.
BattleScar’s top-notch soundtrack – featuring some punk anthems, including by Iggy Pop’s The Stooges – grabs you by the ears, fusing music and narrative in a way that will make you want to start your own punk band.
Lupe's diary shoots off the pages, with punk lyrics flying at you as scribbles and sketches, often reminiscent of punk tattoos etched on the screen, bringing the characters and music to life.
The world of Battlescar is loud, aggressive, and plays with mixed media and scale change. You move from first-person POV to dioramas of the two characters – as if you’re watching them on a theatre stage – to looming over the runaways from 20 feet above a dirty NYC street. The animation is a collision of stop motion and graffiti, with the characters looking like little punk puppets.
Created by Martín Allais and Nico Casavecchia, written by Nico Casavecchia, produced by Atlas V in coproduction with 1STAveMachine, Fauns, and Arte France, in association with Kaleidoscope, sound Design & original music by Antfood.
Atlas VEnlaces
SteamEn otras plataformas
Battlescar (Quest)
Fecha de salida
Enero 14, 2021
SOs compatibles

HMDs compatibles
Forma de juego
- Voces en inglés
- Textos en inglés
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