Immersive Siena (Android)
Immersive Siena allows you to visit two art exhibitions held in stunning locations inside Siena's historic buildings.
"Sergio Vacchi 1952-2006. Oltre la profezia (beyond the prophecy)" is hosted in the Stanta Maria della Scala Museum halls and leads the visitor into a visionary and prophetic world about mankind's destiny.
The "Anima sola (Lone soul)" exhibition in Giampaolo Talani's memory is held in the impressive 13th Century halls known as "Magazzini del Sale", inside Siena's Palazzo Pubblico. It's a journey full of symbols linked to the artist's soul.
Because of the pandemic lockdown both exhibitions shut doors just a few days after their inauguration. The masterpieces that remained confined in these rooms couldn't meet visitors and accomplish their mission: to be admired and deliver their authors' message.
The Immersive Siena project allows everybody, anywhere in the world, to visit these exhibitions while we wait to be able to travel again and discover new cultures.
Comune di SienaDesarrolladores
Open UpEnlaces
Fecha de salida
Agosto 20, 2020
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