Vajont (PC)
"Vajont" is the name of a dam in Northern Italy, built in a valley of the same name.
On October 9th, 1963, during a test, the water that filled the dam basin caused a massive landslide. A giant wave was created and it destroyed the nearby villages.
The "Vajont Disaster" remains one of the greatest Italian tragedies since the end of World War II.
This piece is an interactive first-person experience that was inspired by real events. It is set just a few hours before the great flood. A wife and her husband, inhabitants of one of the small villages, are having a conversation about their future. The woman senses danger and wants to leave their beloved home, while the husband dismisses the idea of any impending doom.
The characters represent, metaphorically, the contrasting feelings of the people who live in risky areas: the deep struggle between our need to belong to a place, and our natural survival instincts. Can we accept the idea of having to protect ourselves from something that is part of us - the place we were born in?
The participant has the opportunity to move into the space, interact with objects, and make choices that influence the course of the narration.
Are the husband and wife going to leave (thus saving their life), or are they going to stay?
That is up to you.
ViveportEn otras plataformas
Vajont (Quest) (APP LAB)
Fecha de salida
Agosto 26, 2020
SOs compatibles

HMDs compatibles
- Voces en inglés
- Textos en inglés
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