Mayflower Reflections (PC)

Mayflower Reflections is an exciting new VR film that explores the impactful story of the Mayflower Voyage of 1620 and the similarities it shares with contemporary society. Discover the motivations of the 102 members of the Plymouth colony who fled to America to establish a new kind of democracy. Be immersed in the dangers of their journey and the early days of their settlements. Understand how the native settlers influenced the Plymouth Colony’s survival. Experience how the decisions of 400 years ago are still reflected in the world today.

This inspiring tale is unpinned with unique artwork and original music, to bring the story of those early travellers to life. Made by UK based arts organisation MBD, Mayflower Reflections was originally created as part of the 400 year commemoration of the Mayflower voyage in partnership with
Mayflower 400, PilgrimAGE and Pilgrim Roots. The project was created with funding provided by Arts Council England and National Lottery Heritage Fund.


MBD Limited


MBD Limited

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Abril 1, 2021

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

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