Project Fairwinds (Quest) (APP LAB)
Project: Fair Winds recreates a long-gone, centerpiece icon from Walt Disney’s efforts at the 1964-1965 World’s Fair in New York, the Tower of the Four Winds. Initially designed by Disney legend, Rolly Crump, the Tower of the Four Winds was a marquee sculpture designed as the visual marker for it’s a small world, a robust mobile that rose high above most of the Fair. Though the Tower of the Four Winds was dismantled over 50 years ago, through this 3D digital recreation, you can sample the wonder of Rolly Crump’s unique creation again.
Project: Fair Winds includes generous narration by Rolly Crump himself in which he explains his designs, his work with Walt, and the ultimate fate of the Tower. Along with the narration, we include photographic images from Bill Cotter’s immense collection of World’s Fair imagery, detailing the Tower from its construction to its demise.
So take a stroll back to 1964, to the center point of world creative activity, the legendary New York World’s Fair.
Cranky Something StudiosDesarrolladores
Cranky Something StudiosEnlaces
Fecha de salida
Mayo 11, 2021
HMDs compatibles
Forma de juego
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