Dogs VR (My Dog) (Quest) (APP LAB)
Play with your own virtual dog in this beautiful open world landscape! This is a serious game that promotes relaxation and brings joy and relief to your stressful day.
We will soon make this dog game even more realistic with hand gestures, voice recognition, more interactions and more beautiful landscapes.
Play this game for 10-15 minutes each day to reap the most benefits! Sitting will reduce motion sickness.
This game has no particular goal, no items to collect and no levels to reach. That is why it is so relaxing. It is just you and your dog in this beautiful open world landscape.
Many families and individuals cannot afford a real dog due to time, lack of space and money. This virtual dog gives you the benefits of a real dog without the hassle. This game might even help people who are affraid of dogs to be more comfortable around dogs.
Dogs VR (My Dog)Desarrolladores
Dogs VR (My Dog)Enlaces
Fecha de salida
Mayo 2, 2022
HMDs compatibles
Forma de juego
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