Cyber Car (PC)

Welcome to our best product made so far for VR. Cyber ​​Car is a super immersive experience, made for those who love the futuristic cyberpunk environment and a light vibe to relax and enjoy the view.

6DoF FREE and Enable!!!

Use your favorite joystick, mouse and keyboard, your VR controller, whatever you want! We try to make this experience compatible with all headsets and computers! The controls can vary according to your needs and all you need to worry about is getting the most out of your available resources.

The environment simulates a city 200 years from now. With flying cars and some ships, or drones, as sentries supervising and maintaining order in the place.
Thousands of apartments stacked in skyscrapers and wide streets on the ground and in the sky are used by the most varied vehicles.

We made this experience free for everyone.

The ships change your interaction with the flight and the feeling of using VR and enjoying the city.

We still plan to make this experience a game with missions and more ships. But for now, we are willing to share with the community of fans of these futuristic environments our work!

Have a nice flight!


Cyber Car Industries



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Fecha de salida

Mayo 6, 2022

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Forma de juego



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