Assemble! (PC)

Assemble! transforms the fascination of three-dimensional model building into a virtual reality experience. Players are shown individual parts of a 3D model, arranged on a virtual shelf. These pieces can be freely selected and held to be viewed from every angle.
The puzzle fun begins when a player selects a part and integrates it into the model. This action unlocks near parts that need to be inserted next. A holographic outline of the parts serves as a guide. If players get stuck, an optional highlight feature can be activated to mark the part currently being handled.
To enhance the immersion, realistic sound effects are played both when grabbing and inserting parts. These auditory feedbacks simulate the feeling of actual assembly, making the gameplay experience even more impressive.

Three Difficulty Levels:

Easy: Perfect for beginners or if you just want a quick game. There are not so many parts to worry about.

Medium: There are more pieces and the models are more difficult. You have to use your thinking skills and really pay attention to where everything goes.

Hard: This level is a big challenge with lots of parts. It's a great feeling to complete a model because it's so difficult!

Assemble! is great fun for everyone, whether you're new to puzzles or a serious model builder. You can choose your own level of difficulty, so the game is just right for you, no matter how good you are.


◯˙ weltfern


◯˙ weltfern



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Fecha de salida

Junio 11, 2024

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  • Textos en español
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  • Textos en inglés