Comrades, We Have a Mole Problem (PC)


**"Hear me comrade, lives are at stake here.**

**You are to take matters into your own hands, saving yourself and your comrades from spies from the West.**

**The party appreciates your work, but don't forget, the party will not forgive incompetence."**


Weed out the mole in time to save yourself!

Emerge into interrogation room in Eastern bloc during Cold War era.

You only have so much time to make a choice, a kind that determines life and death!

- Look for the **clues** of the traitor and make a **quick judgement.**

- Don't even bother the trial because you are the prosecutor, the judge, and the executioner.

- One wrong move or hesitation will cost your own life, and there is no time to waste!

- **Do not overthink it because you can't afford it!**


Acción Casual


Gladpark inc.


Gladpark inc.



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Julio 3, 2024

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