OVRLRD is a solo-developer passion project - an attempt to build a true VR mech simulator inspired by the classics.

Inspired by games like VTOL VR, Steel Battalion and MechWarrior 3, OVRLRD puts you in a fully-simulated cockpit, controlling a complex war machine. Use your VR controllers to manipulate physical buttons, switches, levers, throttles, joysticks and more.

Combined armsStomp tanks, blast infantry, strafe other mechs in close quarters, snipe the legs off your foes at mid-range, or rain artillery down on enemy bases from miles away. An OVRLRD operator is expected to dominate the battlefield in every role.

Single-player firstEmbark on a twisty-turny single-player campaign written by a published sci-fi author, following in the tradition of the classics. You'll run routine patrols, long-range combat engagements, low-profile reconnaissance missions and more.

More than fightingAn OVRLRD platform is a collection of dangerous systems working in tandem, and one mistake can spell disaster. An OVRLRD operator must maintain combat effectiveness while managing system temperature and coolant levels, sensor capabilities, targeting systems and drone optics, as well as compensating for damaged or lost subsystems.

Ruin the battlefieldOVRLRD's custom environment system tracks the havoc you wreak across the world. Use your fifty-foot war machine to smash down buildings, scar the countryside with craters and scorchmarks, track enemy mechs by their footprints and level entire cities when your reactor detonates.

Deal in miles, not feetNo more cramped caves or conveniently closed-off corridors. You'll operate in massive outdoor environments that seem way too big for VR. Range across forested hills, snipe across treacherous mountains, hunker down in frozen tundra and dodge artillery fire on exposed blast plains.

Infinite replayabilityStomp through the campaign, then meet your match in multiple skirmish gamemodes where the battlefield is different each time.

Not interested in map generators? Had enough of the computer telling you what to do? Get the human touch with freely shareable custom missions.Fully-featured mission editorYou heard me. The tools I use to make the campaign are at your fingertips. Use the powerful, intuitive mission editor to sculpt terrain, build cities, assemble armies and design missions with fully operational narrative flows. Triggers, scripted events, AI behaviours and more are in your toolbox, and you can share it all for free on the Steam Workshop!

VR comfort settingsProblems with motion sickness? Have a certain way you like to play? OVRLRD comes with a large and growing list of VR comfort settings, from blocking out peripheral cockpit windows and reducing visual noise to disabling aim kick and cockpit tilting; I will consider adding features for any reasonable accessibility request to ensure everyone can play.


Niall Slater


Niall Slater



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Fecha de salida

Septiembre 9, 2024

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