51VR House (PC)

We've improved image quality and interactive experience in the update.

51VR House is a full size interactive environment where you can explore the future house before it's built or in long distance. We design and build the Show House based on a real one in East China. In the VR House, you can experience every details and feel the whole indoor and outdoor environment. Seeing is believing, touching is more than real. We enable visitors to interact with the house and the environment, liking turning on the light and TV, changing the style and color of sofa, or even playing a basketball or taking a shower. The house will be built by end of 2016, would you like to have a try? We believe you will like to buy:)

To have more information please visit_http://www.51wofang.com/virtual-reality/index.





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Fecha de salida

Abril 29, 2016

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego