MARS VR(全球使命VR) (PC)

1. 4K level audio-visual experience

《Mars VR》 is a 4K level immersive first-person shooting game, which based on new generation of Unreal Engine 4, with a variety of new technology and system, such as virtual reality technology, multi-source information interaction, 3D dynamic visual, body movement and etc. Welcome to see the real environment and experience real fight in 《Mars VR》

2. Real mobile shooting

In order to simulate real shooting, 《Mars VR》 apply complete ballistic model and real physical feedback to present different ballistic trajectory, range of impact area, bounce and penetration of the object from different weapons. The players could control the game freely with body movements, and enjoy strong immersive experience and fierce fighting.



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Abril 5, 2017

SOs compatibles


HMDs compatibles

Forma de juego