Tema: Automobilista 2 parche 1.6

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  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  9:45

    Buenas a tod@s!!!


    Ayer actualizaron a la 1.6 con mucho contenido,detalles en pista ( manadas de pajaros,helicoptero,los comisarios pista,publico,equipo...),nuevos circuitos/coches,mejoras visuales,nueva IA (los ves picados entre ellos con mucha agresividad eek ) audio nuevo,mejoras en las físicas ,carrera ranked con LowFuelMotorsport...
    Y todo sin perder ni un frame de rendimiento en VR... surprised


    Por fin tenemos un buen Sim VR con facilidad de crear partidas online privadas,con IA,menús fáciles de usar y sin quitarte visor


    Lo bueno de Assetto pero sin sus fallos de menús y sin necesidad de tener un server para jugar...


    Hasta el lunes está todo el contenido gratis, todos sus dlc y nuevos...
    Ha mejorado muchísimo y es una gran experiencia de realidad virtual..
    Proximo parche modo trayectoria...


    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  9:50

    notas del parche:

  -> V1.6.3.0 CHANGELOG




    IMSA Track Pack DLC
    Added Canadian Tire Motorsports Park (Mosport)
    Added Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta
    Added Sebring International Raceway


    Endurance Pack Pt2 DLC
    Added Alpine A424 to LMDh / GTP class
    Added Ligier JS P217 to LMP2 Gen1-2 class
    Added Oreca 07 to LMP2 Gen1-2 class
    Added Audi LMS GT3 Evo II to GT3 Gen2 Class
    Added Corvette Z06 GT3.R to GT3 Gen2 Class


    Lamborghini Dream Pack Pt1 DLC
    Added Lamborghini Huracán EVO2 to GT3 Gen2 Class
    Added Lamborghini Huracán Super Trofeo EVO2 to Super Trofeo class
    Added Lamborghini Veneno Roadster to Hypercars class
    Added Lamborghini SC63 to LMDh / GTP class


    Free Base Game Additions
    Added Audi Quattro to Group A Class
    Added Audi LMS GT3 to GT3 Gen1 Class
    Added Audi LMD R8 GT4 to GT4 Class
    Added Ligier JS P320 to P1 Gen2 Class
    Updated Corvette Z06 with Z07 upgrade performance package


    Increased max grid size to 48 (currently requires sharing of pit boxes if they exceed the number avaiable on track); Increased memory pool size for all users to comport larger grids; Restricted extended grids above 32 cars to clients with more than 12Gb of physical memory and allocate additional resources for the extra participants
    Increased base memory allocation for all clients to account for new sound and visual features
    Significantly optimized cliient data send rate to minimise traffic and mitigate risks for issues in Multuplayer sessions
    Reduced Multiplayer session end join lockout to 30s
    Revised lighting properties for all climates
    Adjusted LiveTrack properties: Rubber laying thresholds lower, with bias between lateral and longitudinal rubber laying shifted more to the lateral (slide) component; Minor adjustment to how rubber laying scales down to harder compound options (so track progression is more noticeable in classes running softer compound options) - Changes apply globally to all tracks
    LiveTrack: Adjusted wet and rubbered racing line glossiness to visually match the updated LT dynamics; Further minor adjustments to amount of rubber laid down with longitudinal slip / lateral slide
    Updated algorithm used by "Max Visible Vehicles" setting to further favor cars ahead and reduce visible popping of vehicles ahead of the player
    Fixed flickering windshields when viewed from track cameras in replays
    Added humidity dependent visual wet representation to trees and foliage
    Added humidity and temperature dependent aero contrail effects to car wingtips (F-Classics, F-HiTechs, F-V12s, F-V10s, F-Reiza & F-Ultimate Gen1)
    Added firework displays in the Sky & along start / finish straights for tracks & events that feature them
    Overhauled engine failing and failure effects: Coolant, oil, turbo and complete failures with new effects to distinguish each type of failure
    Overhauled tire smoke dynamics and toned down overblown ambient lighting
    Increased the number of sparks particles that are emitted, adjusted the dynamics of the sparks particles and increased bloom produced by spark
    Fixed sparks particles flickering in VR
    Reduced the intensity of wet spray particles when the track saturation is low
    Fixed bug that could result in incorrect available driving aids in authentic mode at the next event after driving a vehicle with no onboard aids
    Fixed translucent particles such as smoke or wet spray visibly clipping with objects
    Adjusted the road racing line to be more visually distinct from the rest of the track when rubbered and wet
    Improved Depth of Field for trackside TV cameras
    Adjusted car material reflection dynamics to produce slightly deeper reflections
    Fixed lighting fluctuations that occurred at random times during the day
    F-Ultimate Gen2 class can now open DRS in races when within 1s of car ahead even when not fighting for position
    Fixed bug causing vehicle shadows could remain static at night instead of following the assigned vehicle as it moved
    Fixed camber being shown incorrectly in replay & getting extremely positive over jumps
    Fixed issue which could lead to jittery wheel movement for some AI vehicles
    Fixed issue that could result in incorrect reflections when viewing non-player vehicles
    Fixed infrequent off-line dust emission when racing with large grid sizes
    Fixed character environment reflections appearing too strong up close and too weak from afar
    Added slippery curb / painted runoff properties to all tires
    Increased replay FWD/RWD speeds to 5/10/20x
    Forced a minimum setting of 'LOW' for particle level in MP sessions to negate the visibility advantage of clients that disable them


    UI & HUD
    Overhauled user interface design
    Overhauled "Motorsports Preset functionality into "Series Preset"
    Added Percentage duration option to scale race lengths when using series presets
    Added static HUD track map
    Added mouse controlled orbit camera option to Showroom
    Changed grid menu mouse wheel inputs to scroll vertically
    LMDh & GT3 Gen2 class emblem rebadged to include GTP & GTD representing IMSA classes
    Corrected tire info for Hypercars, Supercars, ARC Camaro, Caterhams (except Academy) to read Hard (semislick) & Wet rather than "All Weather"
    Fixed Pitstop Refuelling Allowed string incorrectly saying Authentic instead of Yes
    Added support for switching cameras in replay and monitor mode using number keys 1-8
    Changed live track progression to target time progression rather than weather progression
    Changed HUD display name logic to work better when a users has no surname set
    Fixed various in-game flag inconsistencies in Championship mode
    Fixed Incorrect vehicle image sometimes being displayed on setup screen
    In-Car Menu now defaults damage repairs to off


    Complete tire physics revision for advanced hysteresis & thermodynamics modelling
    Revised tire wear & degradation rates for all tire treads (dry/wet)
    Revised aerodynamics for all vehicles
    Revised brake torque thermodynamics for all vehicles
    Revised dirty air effects
    Revised default setups for all vehicles
    Revised torque, compression curves, engine consumption & thermodynamics for all vehicles
    Minor FFB revisions to all vehicles to better suit latest physics revisions
    LMDh / GTP (all models): Revised boost maps and torque curves, updated hybrid model to replace/fill total torque instead of adding over ICE torque, adjusted full EV only peak torque slightly for lower and higher redlines to reflect MGU gearing, moved default brake bias slightly rearwards, refined hybrid launch, re-enabled manual starter (instant start if enough speed), fixed horsepower on telemetry HUD reading 0 on electric power only, fixed ICE not firing up reliably with automatic clutch, fixed automatic gears not working at all with hybrid launch Adjusted ERS mapping to maintain 70% SoC better in balanced mode; corrected peak regen power, minor correction to fuel volumetric density to represent ethanol fuel; Added brake by wire simulation (combines mechanical brakes and regen torque while respecting your intended brake bias setting - no other controls as of now), added hybrid launch simulation (WIP); Raised ICE automatic start up threshold back to just below 60km/h
    Reduced auto ERS attack mode usage time at the start of a race
    F-Ultimate (both gens): Decreased lowest ERS balanced mode deployment setting slightly to increase full lap harvest rate at low SoC; Revised regen and added brake-by-wire; Adjusted qualy and attack ERS maps slightly to stay within single lap discharge limit; Revised aero
    Revised differentials for F-V10 Gen2, F-Reiza, F-Ultimate (both gens), McLaren Senna;
    F-Trainer (both models): Disabled adjustable radiator opening & brake ducts
    F-HiTech Gen2: Corrected active suspension damping default setting
    Nissan GT-R GT3: Revised suspension
    Group A (all models): Revised suspension and engines
    Added functioning hand brakes for Brabham BT62, Corvette C8 Z07, Lamborghini Veneno, Mclaren F1, Mclaren Senna
    Brabham BT52: Fixed right rear suspension wheel alignment; Adjusted front steering axis


    Extensive AI calibration pass for all classes in both dry, wet & damp conditions
    Revised AI tire wear & degradation rates along with effects on pitstop strategy decisions
    Extended range of AI performance to cover a wider range of player skill levels (slower than before at 70% AI Skill, faster @ 120% AI Skill)
    Added option to scale AI Wet Skill relative to the current main AI Skill setting
    Added option to confiigure rate of AI Mistakes & further developed types and mechanics of AI mistake for more human-like dynamics
    AI now loses performance from running on both cold and overhot tires
    AI blue behaviour: AI will now move out of the racing line and slightly lift when under blue flag (always in practice / qualifying; in races AI cooperation under blue flag will be subject to AI driver´s specific blue flag personality parameter - unmodded default AI drivers are generally more likely give way to faster cars in modern series and less so in series from the 60s / 70s / 80s); AI will only lift slightly on straights to facilitate overtakes and never in corners (used to be the other way round)
    Added logic for AI behaviour in multiclass races so that under blue flag AI will not lif if the speed difference to the overtaking car is higher than 5%
    Slightly increased AI overtaking risk assessment thresholds for faster cars
    Added logic for AI behaviour during out-laps in practice / qualifying to always try create a buffer between it and the car ahead before starting his hot lap
    AI will enter in-lap behaviour sooner after completing its hot lap in practice / qualifying
    Adjusted AI behaviour in first lap to be less erratic and generally more competitive than before
    Added logic for AI to prioritize the inside line into the next braking zone while attempting to overtake
    AI will now cover the inside line when trying to defend from being overtaken (frequency subject to AI Aggression setting and AI driver´s specific defending personality parameter - unmodded default AI drivers are generally more likely to engage in defensive moves in modern series and less so in series from the 60s / 70s / 80s)
    Added new AI corridor scalar condition to keep corridors wider while AI is under full throttle application
    Added dynamic range for AI to reduce speed under blue flag, yellow flag and in / out laps & better defined ranges for each scenario
    AI In long oval races will no longer try to save fuel within the first 5 laps
    AI will now have occasional minor deviations from the optimal racing line depending on driver-specific AI skill (the higher the skill the better the AI can keep to the racing line))
    AI cars will try to create some space between them and other cars from the beginning of the out lap (and not just 3rd sector as it was initially)
    Fixed issue where sometimes AI would start a defensive movement to the wrong side if their line from previous corner to the next corner was in a diagonal vector
    Fixed AI disengaging DRS for minor lifts off throttle when following another car
    AI no longer activates DRS during in and out laps of practice / qualifying, during race cooldown laps or when slowing down to be let lapping cars overtake in a race
    Improved AI mistakes
    Added new functions to prevent AI hesitating and losing momentum in AI vs AI overtakes
    Hockenheim GP: Removed corner speed boost at T16 / T17Montreal: Fixed a pit lane issue where DRS can remain active until the end of Zone 1
    Nurburgring RX: Added AI speed boost to the joker path
    Hockenheim RX: Fixed a problem where AI drivers would always crash during race starts
    Improved AI fast path for Barcelona GP NC, Nurburgring GP, Sebring Full
    Barcelona: Removed misplaced AIW speed boost multi at the pit lane entrance
    Spa-Francorchamps 2022: Fixed corridor issue that could cause AI to hesitate and tuck behind car ahead when an overtaking move was possible going into the final Bus Stop chicane
    Taruma: Disabled AI speed boosts
    Watkins Glen: disabled redundant legacy AI speed boosts in sector 3 of the various layouts


    Extensive revision of car sound efffects
    Added & revised various trackside sound effects (crowds, announcers, water & nature sounds) to all track layouts as appropriate
    Implemented local reverb zones for all tracks and layouts in the game
    Increased max allowed playable audio samples for systems supporting large grids.
    Added options to configure Number of Opponent Samples (more detailed sounds from opponents for a potential performanc cost)
    Revised wind noise sound effect, added dedicated wind volume slider
    In-game spotter: default volume adjusted, fixed spotter being inaudible for Stereo output
    Wall reflections progression and volume very near walls adjusted.
    Stereo headphone-downmix volume aligned with other output modes (stereo, 4.0, 5.1, etc.)
    Fixed reverb applying wrong camera properties / not applying camera at all.
    Fixed legacy bug which would prevent environment sounds and reverb zones to recive updates, most notably on "Skip session"
    Fixed F-Junior and F-Trainer onboard engine sound moving left-right, most notable while steering.
    Fixed engine sound wrong position for Lotus 49C, Brabham BT26, F-Vintage Gen1, F-Vintage Gen2 and Nissan GT-R GT3.
    Fixed engine sample loops for: Mercedes 190 EVO DTM, McLaren 720S, MCR2000, MetalMoro MRX P3, Lotus 23, Caterham (all models), Opala (all versions) and BMW M6 GT3.
    Ultima GTR Race: fixed internal engine sound in replay
    Porsche Cayman GT4: fixed wrong engine sound pitch in external view.
    Mitsubishi Lancer RS: fixed internal engine sound in replay
    Passat HotCars: Fixed engine sound muted below Idle RPM
    Brabham BT62: Fixed live play audio error and lowered live play volume
    Roco P3: Fixed missing cockpit engine sound in replay and revised interior engine
    Mclaren MP4/12: Fixed excess rattling sound over kerbs
    F-V10 Gen2: updated external engine sound samples, adjusted Traction Control sound.
    F-Reiza: updated external engine sound samples


    Added pit control lights to all tracks
    Adjusted tire smoke colouration and toned down overblown ambient
    Expanded 48 car grid on various tracks associated with endurance racing
    Adjusted blending between the track and track puddles
    Spa (1993, 2020 & 2022) Extensive material and texture updates: Fixed the track cut limits on the pit lane path causing pit exit warnings for RX layouts
    Adjusted object LODs for Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Bathurst
    Adjusted dirt road terrain properties (slightly lower grip, more resistance & sinking factor)
    Adjusted external track cameras properties to reduce z-fighting issues at Long Beach, Sebring, Silverstone, Azure
    Corrected track default day and month to match the 2024 IMSA schedule for Daytona, Indianapolis, Laguna Seca, Long Beach, Mosport, Road America, Sebring, VIR, Watkins Glen
    Dirt and rallycross tracks now no longer allow for rolling start option
    Fixed inconsistency of grip reduction on wet rubbered line
    Increased baseline grip slightly at concrete tracks
    Improved Depth of Field for trackside TV cameras
    Azure: Added tunnel lights;Adjusted grip range
    Barcelona: Corrected sound and physical effects for razor, flat and vibrator curb types, adjusted TT rolling launch position to begin before T13
    Barcelona 1991: Adjusted track surface noise
    Brands Hatch: Add more barriers near the pit exit
    Cascavel: Fixed random pit crew errors; Reversed pit box order
    Cleveland: Reconfigured pit exit track cut mesh o prevent warnings or penalty
    Cordoba: Fixed bug with the live grass blades not appearing for the national layout
    Curitiba: Fixed a physical grass issue; Added missing paddock fence collision; Increased roughness on the track concrete strip; Added dedicated safety car parking location
    Curitiba Outer: Fixed missing terrain physics for gravel runoffs
    Daytona RC: Added anticut barrier near Turn 1, revised track cut limits at the bus stop chicane
    Hockenheim National: Fixed the local yellow for a corner marker panel
    Imola / Imola 2001: Adjusted the track surface and drainage to remove water pools near the Tamburello and Villenuve chicanes
    Imola 2001: Fixed a hole in the outer terrain
    Indianapolis Oval: Fixed pit crews clipping the pitwall
    Indianapolis RC: Improved track cut limits around the pit exit boundary
    Interlagos: Fixed a gap in the pit building shadow visible at some time of day; Minor pit / paddock buildings lod optimization
    Interlagos: Added new pit building model for modern GP and SCB layouts
    Kansai East / West: Corrected digital flags local yellow function
    Kansai GP: Reversed pitbox order; increased max grid to 48 cars (was 45)
    Laguna Seca: Fixed a terrain shadow issue near the corkscrew in early morning hours
    Le Mans 24h: Added crowd & reverb sounds; updated cameras on lap 2 of the cycle
    Le Mans Bugatti: Fixed crowd floating over grandstands
    Salvador: Fixed a visible gap in the road mesh
    Silverstone 2001: Adjusted road noise levels
    Silverstone GP / Intl: Added missing pit entry and exit marker boards
    Silverstone National: Fixed the missing collision and shadow caster on the overhead bridge
    Santa Cruz: Upgraded the collision walls. Remove invisible infield perimeter barriers, added visible concrete barriers as needed
    Ibarra: Fixed the garage parking to allow space for long cars
    Speedland Kart4: Reorganize the cones that mark the pit entrance junction
    Montreal: Fixed a pit lane issue where DRS can remain active until the end of Zone 1
    Velo Citta: Fixed the temporary garage tents to allow for long cars
    Interlagos: Fixed an irregular pit floor near the safety car; Fixed the footbridge shadow object
    Velopark: Fixed timing problem where crossing the start line in the pit lane was not detected
    Spielberg 1977: Removed floating cameraman behind grandstands
    Taruma: Fixed black pond water Move the safety car to a dedicated parking location
    Watkins Glen; Increased the LODB range on some static object motorhomes and tents Change default race date to June 20 2024


    Revised all cars with windshield for a cohesive standard of tint & reflection
    Updated all cars windshields to include visible scratches
    Added visible tire wear & flatspotting to all tire treads
    Added visible fresh shine to F-Ultimate new tires
    Added and / or updated IMSA liveries for corresponding models in LMDh/GTP & GT3-G2/GTD classes
    Added previouly misising sidewall tire branding to all models within F-Vintages, F-Retros, F-Classics, F-V12, F-USA , F-Inter, BMW M1 Procar, GT Classics, P1 Gen2, Copa Montana
    Revised gauge damping for more realistic behaviour on F-Vintages, F-Reros, F-Classics, Group A, BMW M1 Procar, Opalas, Mclaren MP4/1C
    Adjusted backfiring properties for all vehicles
    Adjusted cockpit POV for BMW 2002 Turbo, Mercedes CLK-LM, Corvette C3, Ultima GTR, Lancer R & RS, F-Trainer (both), Lotus 98T, F-Classic G1M2, Mclaren MP4/8, Sauber C9
    Adjusted onboard cameras for BMW M Hybrid, Cadillac V-Series R, Porsche 963 to better reflect real life cameras
    Corrected wet tire tread pattern for Lotus 98T, McLaren MP4/4, McLaren MP4/5B, F301, F309
    Fixed rear view camera screens behaving like physical mirrors
    Fixed LODB wheels issue F-Ultimate (both), F-Reiza, F-USA 2023
    Fixed fresh non-modern tires lacking detail
    Fixed tire mapping issue in F-Trainers, F-Vees
    Fixed wet tires reflecting too much of the environment
    Improved the visuals of vehicle tires when saturated with water
    Increased resolution of various vehicles LCD display fonts
    Reduced undercar shadow intensity in storm weather
    Removed fresnel mapping to external carbon material in Cadillac V-Series
    Revised collision models for Uno, Fusca, Puma GTB, Puma GTE, Passat, Gol (all models)
    Updated LCD emissive parameters for F-V10 (both gens), F Reiza, F-Ultimate Gen2
    Updated LCD for Porsche GT3-R, Porsche Cup, Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo
    Updated Light / LED for LMDh, GTE, GT3 (both gens)
    ARC Camaro: updated cockpit carbon fiber material
    BMW M4 GT3: changed pit lights scheme
    BMW M-Hybrid V8: Updated RPM lights configuration, reduced rear wing light glows size
    Brabham BT26: Fixed cockpit front wheels issue
    Brabham BT46B: Added rain support and raindrops speed fadeout
    Brabham BT52: Added light glow, updated cockpit lights
    Brabham BT62: New carbon body; rain lights added, updated tire materials, cockpit material update with new carbon and alcantara, addition of contrasting stitching with different colors depending on the livery selected, new ambient lighting around the screen and LEDs, updated cockpit lights, revised collision mesh
    Cadillac DPi VR: Updated exterior lights, added pitlights, improved cockpit materials
    Cadillac V Series R: Fixed LOD issue; removed Cosworth label on LED clusters
    Rallycross: Improved cockpit materials, new glowing exhaust, new tire materials parameters
    Copa Montana: Improved collision mesh with increased resolution
    Copa Truck: Improved diesel smoke particle spacing and lighting
    Corvette C8 Z06: Improved gauge cluster (new display reflections)
    Corvette GTP: Fixed undercar shadow issue in LD variant
    F-Classic G4M2: Corrected cockpit tires and rims pivot point position
    F-Classic G2M2: Fixed missing steering wheel in cockpit
    F-Junior: Reduced exagerated exhaust backfiring
    F-Reiza: Fixed rear suspension issue, fixed front wheels material in cockpit view, fixed tire tread UV mapping
    F-Retro V12 Gen1: Fixed paint material issue, corrected tire materials
    Formula Trainer: Fixed tires mapping issue
    Formula Trainer Advanced: updated display mapping, new LEDs, improved Motec display textures
    F-Ultimate Gen1: Fixed low downforce variant suspension animations, reworked pit and rain lights, fixed default side tire texture issue in showroom
    F-Ultimate Gen2: Closed inner side of the wheels on LodA, fixed damage models on Low Downforce parts, added blinking rear wing warning lights, corrected mirrors position, fixed damage models on cockpit, fixed suspension mesh/rig, fixed rear wheels pivot point, updated rain lights texture and power, separated lights: rear lights mounted on the wing stop working if it falls off, fixed lights LOD issue, adjusted transparent halo, disabled pitot tube and antenna vibrations on cockpit view
    F-V10 Gen1: Fixed tire tread mapping issue
    F-V10 Gen2: added rear lights material and reworked lightglows (rain light only), fix front tire UV mapping issue in cockpit view, fixed gap between cockpit and car body
    F-USA Gen3 Reynard 2Ki: Fixed some visual aero configurations in oval variants
    Fusca (all models): Reworked rear lights, updated tires materials, fixed inactive oil needle
    Ginetta G58: Fixed tire issue, updated tires and LCD shader, revised cockpit lights, removed display black filter when headlights are turned on
    Group C: Fixed missing tire textures issue for Corvette GTP, Porsche 962C models
    Mercedes 190 Evo2: Fixed right hand wheels position
    Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo: Reduced rear light glows polygon size, reworked lights textures
    Mercedes AMG GT4: Fixed wiper issue
    McLaren MP4/6: Fixed rain streaks on windscreen
    Mclaren MP4/7A: Adjusted cockpit steering wheel cord animation, updated windscreen rain mapping, added rain streaks, added raindrops speed fadeout
    Mclaren MP4/12: Fixed visual low ride height causing front wing to clip ground
    McLaren Senna: Complete overhaul of car configurations, new paints, carbon, paint schemes and cockpit; Display screen completely redone and addition of a second page
    MCR 2000: Changed the driver's helmet visor to closed
    Nissan R390 GT1: Corrected collision for the high downforce model, corrected spawn offset coordinates, fixed LOD bugs, updated tire materials for new shader
    Opala 79: Fixed steering wheel pivots on lodA and LodB
    Porsche 911 GT1: Added missing LD and LODB emissive headlights glass
    Porsche 992 GT3-R: reworked headlights and glowing exhaust intensity, fixed cockpit side mirrors, mesh gaps; fixed cockpit damage models, added paintable winglets behind the front wheels, updated lights textures ; AO Livery: added golden teeth, changed DRL color to purple/pink; updated front headlights DRL, small paint mapping adjustment for front bumper
    Porsche Cayman GT4: Fixed red hood issue
    Puma GTE: Reworked rear lights, updated tires materials, fixed red material issue on bonnet
    Sauber C9: Fixed black LCD when headlights are on
    SprintRace: Updated LCD and tire shaders
    StockCar 2020-2022: Added support for P2P LEDs in cockpit and exterior devices, added Cockpit dash stickers and windshield support
    StockCar Cruze 2023: Added support for P2P LEDs in cockpit and exterior devices, reworked LCD screen, fixed light glows, updated LCD/LEDs materials
    StockCar 2024: Added support for P2P LEDs in cockpit and exterior devices, reworked LCD screen, updated Chevrolet logo on Cruze liveries, updated liveries as per real season developments
    Swift 009c: Disabled pitot tube vibration on cockpit view
    Ultima GTR: Updated tires materials
    Porsche 963 GTP: Fixed center mirror gets adjusted by left mirror adjustment setting vertically instead of separate adjustments ( T2063 )
    Catherham 620R: fixed oil temp needle
    F-Ultimate Gen2: added rain streaks on windscreen
    F-Inter: Fixed suspension position in showroom
    McLaren M23: Improved windscreen rain mapping
    McLaren F1 LM: export update, improved cockpit materials, new lights textures
    Camaro GT4: Fixed raindrops on visor in cockpit view
    Chevrolet Camaro SS: removed Open Top parameter (might cause raindrops on helmet)
    F-Reiza: Adjusted suspension animations
    Brabham BT49: Adjusted suspension animations
    Mclaren F1 LM: Fixed wiper animation sound triggers
    Fixed Nissan R89C tilting driver helmet in the wrong direction
    Chevrolet Corvette Z06/Z07: New car configurations, both exterior and cockpit
    ; Added low fuel alarm on display
    Nissan R390 GT1: fixed non showing rear lightglows for HD variant

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • cercata

    5 Dic 2016 09:41

    Mensajes: 26944

    Ubicación: Bilbao


    PlayStation VR
    Oculus Go
    Oculus Quest
    Oculus Link
    Oculus Quest 2
    PlayStation VR2
    Meta Quest 3
    cercata » 30 NOV 2024  9:57

    Esta tarde habrá que probarlo !!!!

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  10:09

    sip...Hay que probar una multiclase tu y yo salir ultimos con algo tipo Mazda mx5 vs 46 camiones lol Que acaban de subir a 48 las parrillas...vaya burrada

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • Eduss

    23 Jun 2020 12:23

    Mensajes: 149

    Ubicación: Mallorca


    Oculus Link
    HP Reverb G2
    Oculus Quest 2
    Eduss » 30 NOV 2024  10:42
    Hasta el lunes está todo el contenido gratis, todos sus dlc y nuevos...


    ¿Donde esta todo gratis?
    En Steam me salen 70 pavos en DLC's que no tengo.. eek

  • _C__

    6 Ene 2016 19:18

    Mensajes: 2988


    HTC Vive
    Pimax 5K
    Pimax 8K X
    Samsung Odyssey
    HP Reverb
    Valve Index
    HP Reverb G2
    Pico 4
    Meta Quest 3
    _C__ » 30 NOV 2024  10:48



    yo lo tengo pendiente. Hay tantas opciones... a ver si lo pillo.


    Sería genial quedar algún dia, aunque fuera sólo para dar unas vueltas juntos. Lo malo es el tiempo para ello, en mi caso jaja

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  11:09

    No compañero...lo mismo lo explique mal...tu descargas el juego base y te prestan todos los dlc 's durante 2 días...te los dejan probar,no es qye te los descargues y te los quedes...
    Si tienes el juego se actualiza a 125gb de contenido gratuito hasta lunes...luego supongo que se borrará todis los dlc...
    Yo no tengo ni uno...ahora mismo está a 18eu

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  11:10

    Pues no se...cuando puedas avisa y lo miramos...esta difícil por tiempo..yo hoy tengo fiesta y la novia trabaja...pues quede con cercata a la tarde...si ves que puedes animate y nos vemos en discord

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  11:12

    Te va a molar mucho...tiene esos detalles de gran turismo con el entorno...los npc,las manadas de pajaros ...se ve muy bien y un porron de detalles bien echos...y funciona de lujo en vr

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • _C__

    6 Ene 2016 19:18

    Mensajes: 2988


    HTC Vive
    Pimax 5K
    Pimax 8K X
    Samsung Odyssey
    HP Reverb
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    _C__ » 30 NOV 2024  11:28
    sergikreuPues no se...cuando puedas avisa y lo miramos...esta difícil por tiempo..yo hoy tengo fiesta y la novia trabaja...pues quede con cercata a la tarde...si ves que puedes animate y nos vemos en discord


    Hoy imposible del todo porque tengo una fiesta.


    Yo es que lo tengo complicado porque tengo una hija pequeña y como me vea con el volante quiere jugar ella Xdxd, por lo que casi estoy condenado a la noche.

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  11:43

    Yo en unos 10/15 dias empiezo turno tarde de 13:00 a 21:00... ahí lo más seguro es que empiece a jugar a las 23:30 hasta 02:30...algo se podrá hacer...un saludo

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • Eduss

    23 Jun 2020 12:23

    Mensajes: 149

    Ubicación: Mallorca


    Oculus Link
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    Eduss » 30 NOV 2024  12:26

    Amm ok ok, ya decia yo jajaj. La verdad que hace muchisimo que no lo juego, le doy mucho al AACC, pero bueno ahora con la actualizacion y el multi de LFM lo tengo que poner al dia.
    A ,mi me pasa lo mismo que a _C__ , con el niño estoy abocado a la nocturnidad. A ver si coincidimos una noche para dar unas vueltas.

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 30 NOV 2024  12:35

    Si hombre...algo haremos,yo ahora mismo a la noche no se si podré pero en nada cambio turno y será cuando más juegue...nos vamos diciendo por aqui...un saludo!

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • Travis_Bickle

    21 May 2019 19:00

    Mensajes: 64


    HTC Vive
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    Travis_Bickle » 1 DIC 2024  13:00

    Buenas viciaos!!!


    Lo han dejado brutalisimo el juego macho,pero brutalisimo.
    Mira que estaba medio bien el juego,el rendimiento siempre fue excelente,pero las físicas....no eran malas,peeeeeero había que darle una vuelta de tuerca.pues se la han dado,y de qué manera macho.esta espectacular,y con la implementación de LFM,lo han dejado niquelado.


    A ver si saco tiempo ahora estas vacaciones y le meto buen meneo,que tengo todo medio abandonado,por falta de tiempo,y cuando tengo algo de tiempo,estoy reventadísimo.me estoy haciendo mayor cagón to!!



  • Pitrunet

    20 Nov 2018 21:58

    Mensajes: 52


    Meta Quest 3
    Pitrunet » 1 DIC 2024  13:10

    Este hilo me ha dejado con una duda importante.
    Fui de iracing hace unos años. Lo dejé porque no tenía tiempo de jugar regularmente y prefería irme por otra opción más económica como AM2.
    Lo probé y casi todo en general me gustó, pero una vez que pruebas algo estilo iracing y jugar siempre on line, pues jugar a AM2 no tenía nada de emoción. Por ejemplo, si en una salida la lianas, siempre sabias que podías reiniciar, y tampoco tiene un modo campaña que te pique.
    Así que me aburrió y pasé de jugar poco a iracing por falta de tiempo a no jugar nada al AM2 por falta de emoción.
    Así que ayer estaba decidido a volver a iracing usando la oferta de Black Friday que acaba pronto.
    Y de repente leo este hilo.
    ¿Tanto a mejorado?
    ¿Podéis explicarme como funciona lo de LMF y si se parece al sistema iracing? Quiero jugar on-line, pero teniendo cierta libertad de horarios para las carreras, ya que me es difícil horarios fijos.

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 1 DIC 2024  15:10

    Buenas Pitrunet


    LFM( lowfuelmotosport ) es una página web que organiza carreras ranked en Assetto cosa,assetto competizione,WRC y desde el viernes A2...
    Es una copia barata de Iracing...gratis...sin suscripción
    Te registras en la web,te apuntas a una carrera y en A2 salen los servidores LFM...hay un montón...




    Aún no he probado LFM con A2...si con AC y esta bastante bien..para ser gratis tuve 2 carreras bastante limpias...tampoco le di mucho ya que en aseeto requiere mod's y mil historias...en A2 es todo nativo y sin complicaciones...próximamente 1.7 con modo trayectoria...un saludo

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 1 DIC 2024  15:15

    Me gustó tanto que decidí jubilar mis viejas Rift S (se cae a trozos..) y comprarme las psvr 2 que me llegan el miércoles (en teoria) junto cable,adaptador pcvr,Bluetooth.A ver que tal...

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • miguel_ang11

    30 Oct 2020 23:40

    Mensajes: 62

    miguel_ang11 » 1 DIC 2024  21:43
    sergikreuMe gustó tanto que decidí jubilar mis viejas Rift S (se cae a trozos..) y comprarme las psvr 2 que me llegan el miércoles (en teoria) junto cable,adaptador pcvr,Bluetooth.A ver que tal...


    Espero que las uses también en la ps5, porque unas psvr2 para pc, y más para simulación, no es ni de lejos la mejor opción

  • sergikreu

    9 Ene 2014 13:03

    Mensajes: 4232

    Ubicación: Vielha Val d´Aran


    Oculus Rift S
    sergikreu » 1 DIC 2024  22:24

    Lo que tu esperes me importa bien poquito :P

    ryzen 5600G-rtx3070 TI-16gb.3200-nmve500gb

  • cercata

    5 Dic 2016 09:41

    Mensajes: 26944

    Ubicación: Bilbao


    PlayStation VR
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    Meta Quest 3
    cercata » 2 DIC 2024  0:04
    miguel_ang11Espero que las uses también en la ps5, porque unas psvr2 para pc, y más para simulación, no es ni de lejos la mejor opción


    Pues a mi me estan molando ... por 400 pavos muy contento con ellas, sobretodo en el MSFS de noche, que locura de colores eek

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