Virtual Desktop (Quest)
Connect to your computer to watch movies, browse the web or play games on a giant virtual screen or in various theater environments. Virtual Desktop is a highly optimized, native application developed for low latency, high quality streaming.
• Connect up to 4 computers and switch between them in seconds
• Supports most PCs and laptops running Windows 8.1 or later (see website for computer requirements)
• Supports Bluetooth mice, keyboards and gamepads
• Supports 3D Side-by-Side / Over-Under content on screen
• Lets you cycle through your monitors (if you have a multi-monitor configuration)
• Includes a Microphone passthrough option
• For best quality/latency, a wired computer with a 5 GHz AC Wi-Fi is recommended
• Also works over the internet (enable UPnP on your router)
The app is actively being developed. Currently working on the following features:
• Videos Tab which will let you download and/or stream 180/360 videos directly from your computer
• MacOS support
Virtual Desktop, Inc.Desarrolladores
Virtual Desktop, Inc.Enlaces
Fecha de salida
Mayo 21, 2019
HMDs compatibles
Comentarios (3)
#1 7 JUL 2022 12:27
Ojito que dicen que con la ultima actualización no va fino, que da problemas la reproyección y va a tirones.
#2 7 JUL 2022 14:25
Justamente lo estuve usando ayer con Quest 2 + Chronos y no tuve ningun problema, buen rendimiento.
#3 27 ABR 2023 13:29
En la release de hoy Guy Godin ha implementado ya la Snapdragon Game Super Resolution, que es como un DLSS o FSR pero directamente en el visor.
Ahora mismo permite subir de Medio a Alto y de Alto a Ultra (pero no de Ultra a Godlike), para los que usen GPUs de gama media-alta puede ser un buen boost de FPS :)