Pues nada no me va ya he probado eso mil veces, a ver s me llega la barra. Veo si con ella el emulador se mueve, sino es que el sensor esta jodido.
Tema: Hacer compatible OCULUS con el Wiimote, preguntas de Hydra
¿Es wiimotion Plus? Es muy raro, prueba desconectar el ratón por si interfiere de alguna manera.
El script wiimotiongiun.pie tu de donde lo has bajado y el globepie? Lo digo pk el tio en el enlace dice que va a cokgar los enlaces y luego no cuelga nada, yo lo busque por ahi.
El problema es que estoy en un Imac con windows y tanto el teclado como el raton van por blutooth,el Imac lo detecta pero solo como controlador HID, no se si es que el imac no lleva controladores EDP incorporados o a saber.
Quizas el sensor del wiimote esta jodido, pero me acaba de llegar de ebay
Como digo reconoce todos los botones pero no el movimiento.
Lo tiene en la descripción de alguno de sus videos
www.dropbox.com/s/6jkgpi1bifv3r ... eGun.PIE?mEs impoortante que sea Motion Plus la versión del Wiimote porque de otra manera la sensibilidad no es suficiente para apuntar.
Es wiimotionplus 2in1 de estos de Ebay
que version de glovepie usas tu?
Uso un Imac y tras muchas vueltas he conseguido con Darwiiremote que funcione en MacOs, ya que tiene una pestaña que pone emulation mouse motionplus, seleccionandola detecta el sensor de movimineto. O sea que el mando esta bien
En el mismo pc en la particion bootcamp de windows uso W7x64 no hay forma con glovepie y glovepie free ya te digo que se conecta y reconoce los botones pero no el sensor, aunque alguna vez he logrado que se mueva en el eje de corrdenadas, no he conseguido que mueva el puntero del raton.
Tiene que haber alguna opcion en el script o el propio programa que me de la opcion de mover el raton, porque ya te digo que no lo mueve.Toda ayuda sera bienvenida
Creo que no puedo hacer nada, pero tiene pinta de problema de compatibilidad. Podrías probar buscar por ahí otro script pero de ratón para ver si lo reconoce.
Vale ya he encontardo pero sigue igual...
he conseguido que el Wiinremote me deje manejar el cursor, pero el Glovepie no hay manera se supone que he encontrado scripts que sin IR solo con motionplus, pero no hay formaEstoy seguro que es alguna chorrada del script, pero no entiendo ni jota de esas leches.Por eso lo mio es la consola, porque estas mierdas de configurar los mandos me desquicia.
Yo he probado este para el HL2, pero estoy pendiente de que me llegue el Oculus para probarlo con más profundidad. WiiMotion Plus y Pera para moverte. Para que funcione la pera tienes que instalar PPJoy para crear un joystick virtual. Tienes que mantener B pulsado cuando quieras apuntar.
//added by bob for buttons etc, nunchuck stick bit stoplen form net PPJoy.Analog0 = EnsureRange( (MapEnsureRange(sqrt(Nunchuk.JoyX^2 + Nunchuk.JoyY^2), 0.05, 0.9, 0, 1)) * (EnsureRange( sin(atan2(Nunchuk.JoyX, Nunchuk.JoyY)) / (sqrt(2)/2), -1, 1)), -1, 1) PPJoy.Analog1 = EnsureRange( (MapEnsureRange(sqrt(Nunchuk.JoyX^2 + Nunchuk.JoyY^2), 0.05, 0.9, 0, 1)) * (EnsureRange( cos(atan2(Nunchuk.JoyX, Nunchuk.JoyY)) / (sqrt(2)/2), -1, 1)), -1, 1)
keyboard.e = wiimote.Up
keyboard.f = wiimote.down
keyboard.space = nunchuck.c
keyboard.ctrl = nunchuck.z
keyboard.j = wiimote.Left
keyboard.k = wiimote.Right
keyboard.r = wiimote.One// ==== FPS ====================================================================
// by Bornos
var.speed = 25 //60 is too fast, 10 is too slow
//with what i think is default hl2 settings 10 is about 1:1
if var.StartX = 0 and var.wm_x != 0 {
var.StartX = MapRange(var.wm_x, 0, 1, 1, (100*var.speed ))
if var.StartY = 0 and var.wm_y != 0 {
var.StartY = MapRange(var.wm_y, 0, 1, 1, (100*var.speed ))
var.PosX = MapRange(var.wm_x, 0, 1, 1, (100*var.speed )) - var.startX
var.PosY = MapRange(var.wm_y, 0, 1, 1, (100*var.speed )) - var.startYif HeldDown(var.HoldButton, 50ms) {
mouse.DirectInputX = mouse.DirectInputX + Delta(var.PosX)
mouse.DirectInputY = mouse.DirectInputY + Delta(var.PosY)
Wii MotionPlus and IR Mouse v 2011.03.09
by lednergControl the mouse with the Wii MotionPlus accessory and the Sensor Bar.
You can combine both or just use one or the other.
This is just meant to be used in Windows, not for FPS games.Requires GlovePIE version .42 or higher.
Leave the Wiimote on your desk when starting so it can calibrate.
Wait until only the first LED is lit.
When using MotionPlus with Sensor Bar,
move the pointer back and forth diagonally so it can adjust itself.
If there is a lot of drift from the MotionPlus, press Home to re-calibrate.A = Left-Click, Plus = Right-Click, Minus = Middle-Click
B = Hold mouse still
Double-Click B = Reset mouse to center
2 + Roll Wiimote = Adjust zoom
Home = Re-calibrate
*/// ==== Buttons ================================================================
var.LeftMouseButton = wiimote.A
var.RightMouseButton = wiimote.Plus
var.MiddleMouseButton = wiimote.Minusvar.HoldButton = wiimote.B // Holds mouse still
var.ResetButton = DoubleClicked(wiimote.B) // Resets mouse to center
var.ZoomButton = wiimote.Two // Hold and then roll to zoom
var.RecalibrateButton = wiimote.Home // Press and place Wiimote down// ==== Options ================================================================
GlovePIE.FrameRate = 100hz
var.Zoom = 1.20
var.MaxSmooth = 95
var.IgnoreSensorBar = true// ==== Script =================================================================
if HeldDown(not starting, 2s) and (var.started = false) and wiimote.Exists then toggle(var.started)
if wiimote.Exists = false then var.started = false
if pressed(var.RecalibrateButton) or delta(var.started) {
// Don't bother changing any of these numbers.
var.wmCalYP = [ 0, 2 ]
var.wmDeadZone = 0
[ var.wm_x, var.wm_y ] = [ .5, .5 ]
[ var.WMIR_x, var.WMIR_y ] = [ 0, 0 ]
[ var.wmMin_x, var.wmMax_x ] = [ .365, .635 ]
[ var.irMin_x, var.irMax_x ] = [ .333, .667 ]
[ var.wmMin_y, var.wmMax_y ] = [ .400, .600 ]
[ var.irMin_y, var.irMax_y ] = [ .333, .667 ]
[ var.Hold_x, var.Hold_y ] = [ 0, 0 ]
[ var.Recenter_x, var.Recenter_y ] = [ 0, 0 ]
// ### Calibration
if var.wmCalON = true {
var.wmCalDiff = EnsureMapRange(|var.wmCalYP|, 0, 1, .01, .5)
[ var.wmCalYaw, var.wmCalPitch ] = [ var.wmCalYaw, var.wmCalPitch ] * (1-var.wmCalDiff) + var.wmSpeedYP_IN * var.wmCalDiff
var.wmStill = |var.wmCalYP| < 2 // this will be true while wiimote is ready to be calibrated.
var.wmMoved = var.wmMoved * .95 + ((|var.wmCalYP|<3)* |var.wmCalYP|) * .05
if var.wmMoved < .0001 then var.wmDeadZone = 0
if HeldDown(var.wmStill, 2s) and |var.wmCalYP| > var.wmDeadZone then var.wmDeadZone = |var.wmCalYP|
if HeldDown(var.wmStill, 5s) then toggle(var.wmCalON)
if smooth(|wiimote.MotionPlus.RawYawSpeed|, 29) = 0 then var.wmCalYaw = 0
if smooth(|wiimote.MotionPlus.RawPitchSpeed|, 29) = 0 then var.wmCalPitch = 0
// ### Cancel calibration after 15 seconds and reset variables
if HeldDown(var.wmCalON, 15s) and not HeldDown(var.wmStill, 2s) {
var.wmCalYaw = 0
var.wmCalPitch = 0
var.wmDeadZone = 0
// ### Calibration LED Countdown - resets when wiimote is moved
if var.wmCalON then wiimote.Leds = 15 - HeldDown(var.wmStill, 1s) * 1 - HeldDown(var.wmStill, 2s) * 2 - HeldDown(var.wmStill, 3s) * 4 - HeldDown(var.wmStill, 4s) * 8 else wiimote.Leds = 1 + var.ErrorLED
// ### LED Error Flash
if var.ErrorON {
var.ErrorLED = ( var.ErrorLED <= 0 ) * 14 - ( var.ErrorLED > 0 ) * 1
wait .1s
var.ErrorON = var.ErrorON - .02 // (when var.ErrorON reaches .5 it will be false)
if starting then var.ErrorLED = 15
if var.started then var.ErrorLED = 0
// ### Roll - Combines accelerometer and gyroscope roll measurements
var.aRoll_360 = var.aRoll_360 - ((delta(wiimote.Roll) > 100) * 360) + ((delta(wiimote.Roll) < -100) * 360)
var.aRoll_diff = EnsureMapRange(abs(wiimote.Roll - var.aRoll_deg), 1, 10, .01, .05)
var.aRoll_deg = var.aRoll_deg * (1 - var.aRoll_diff) + (wiimote.Roll + var.aRoll_360) * var.aRoll_diff
var.aRoll = RemoveUnits(var.aRoll_deg)
var.gRoll = ( var.Roll + delta(RemoveUnits(wiimote.MotionPlus.GyroRoll)))
var.gaMinus = abs(var.gRoll - var.aRoll)
if HeldDown(var.gaMinus>3, 1s) then var.g_to_aRoll = true
if var.g_to_aRoll = true then var.g_to_aRoll = (var.gaMinus > .1)
if var.g_to_aRoll = true then var.gRoll = var.gRoll + ( - ((var.gRoll - var.aRoll)>0) * var.gaMinus * .1 + ((var.gRoll - var.aRoll)<0) * var.gaMinus * .1 )
var.Roll = var.aRoll * (var.gaMinus<.5) + var.gRoll * (var.gaMinus>.5)
// ### Wii MotionPlus - Converts [ angle & speed ] to [ X & Y ]. Accounts for Roll.
var.wmSpeedYP_IN = [ wiimote.MotionPlus.RawYawSpeed, wiimote.MotionPlus.RawPitchSpeed ]
var.wmCalYP = var.wmSpeedYP_IN - [ var.wmCalYaw, var.wmCalPitch ]
if var.wmCalYP < var.wmDeadZone then var.wmSpeedYP = [ 0, 0 ] else var.wmSpeedYP = var.wmCalYP
[ var.wmSpeedYaw, var.wmSpeedPitch ] = var.wmSpeedYP / RemoveUnits(PIE.FrameRate)
var.wmAngle = atan2(var.wmSpeedYaw, -var.wmSpeedPitch) - var.Roll
var.wmSpeed = [ var.wmSpeedYaw, -var.wmSpeedPitch ]
[ var.wmRollFix_x, var.wmRollFix_y ] = [ sin(var.wmAngle), cos(var.wmAngle) ] * |var.wmSpeed|
if var.started = true and var.wmCalON = false {
[ var.wm_x, var.wm_y ] = [ var.wm_x, var.wm_y ] + [ var.wmRollFix_x, var.wmRollFix_y ] * .015
if var.started = true {
var.wmSpeed_x = var.wmSpeed_x * .8 + abs(delta(var.wm_x)) * 1000
var.wmSpeed_y = var.wmSpeed_y * .8 + abs(delta(var.wm_y)) * 1000
var.wmSpeed_xy = [ var.wmSpeed_x, var.wmSpeed_y ]
// ### IR Sensor Bar
if wiimote.dot1vis and wiimote.dot2vis and not var.IgnoreSensorBar {
// Resets Hold and Recentering when IR is seen for the first time
if var.UsedIR = false {
[ var.Hold_x, var.Hold_y ] = [ 0, 0 ]
[ var.Recenter_x, var.Recenter_y ] = [ 0, 0 ]
var.UsedIR = true
// Finds mid-point of dot1 and dot2
var.irDot1_xy = [ (512 - wiimote.dot1x) / 1024, (wiimote.dot1y - 384) / 768 ]
var.irDot2_xy = [ (512 - wiimote.dot2x) / 1024, (wiimote.dot2y - 384) / 768 ]
[ var.irMid_x, var.irMid_y ] = ( var.irDot1_xy + var.irDot2_xy ) / 2
// Finds angle of dots for Roll
var.irMid_angle = atan2( var.irMid_x, var.irMid_y )
var.irMid_length = [ var.irMid_x, var.irMid_y ]
var.irNew_angle = var.irMid_angle - var.Roll
var.irNew_xy = [ sin(var.irNew_angle) , cos(var.irNew_angle) ] * |var.irMid_length|
[ var.ir_x, var.ir_y ] = var.irNew_xy + [ .5, .5 ]
var.irSpeed_x = var.irSpeed_x * .8 + abs(delta(var.ir_x)) * 1000
var.irSpeed_y = var.irSpeed_y * .8 + abs(delta(var.ir_y)) * 1000
var.irSpeed_xy = [ var.irSpeed_x , var.irSpeed_y ]
// Matches IR and Wii MotionPlus Position and Scale
if (var.irSpeed_x < 40 and var.wmSpeed_x < 40) {
if ((var.ir_x < var.irMin_x) or (var.MinMax_x = 2 and (var.irMax_x - var.ir_x) >= .15)) and ((var.wmMax_x - var.wm_x) > .075) {
[ var.wmMin_x, var.irMin_x ] = [ var.wm_x, var.ir_x ]
var.MinMax_x = 1
if ((var.ir_x > var.irMax_x) or (var.MinMax_x = 1 and (var.ir_x - var.irMin_x) >= .15)) and ((var.wm_x - var.wmMin_x) > .075) {
[ var.wmMax_x, var.irMax_x ] = [ var.wm_x, var.ir_x ]
var.MinMax_x = 2
if (var.irSpeed_y < 40 and var.wmSpeed_y < 40) {
if ((var.ir_y < var.irMin_y) or (var.MinMax_y = 2 and (var.irMax_y - var.ir_y) >= .15)) and ((var.wmMax_y - var.wm_y) > .075) {
[ var.wmMin_y, var.irMin_y ] = [ var.wm_y, var.ir_y ]
var.MinMax_y = 1
if ((var.ir_y > var.irMax_y) or (var.MinMax_y = 1 and (var.ir_y - var.irMin_y) >= .15)) and ((var.wm_y - var.wmMin_y) > .075) {
[ var.wmMax_y, var.irMax_y ] = [ var.wm_y, var.ir_y ]
var.MinMax_y = 2
if var.WMIR_switch = 1 {
[ var.IR_adj_x , var.IR_adj_y ] = [ var.Old_WM_x, var.Old_WM_y ] - [ var.ir_x, var.ir_y ]
var.WMIR_switch = 0
if var.WMIR_switch = 0 {
[ var.Rough_x , var.Rough_y ] = ([ var.ir_x, var.ir_y ] + [ var.IR_adj_x , var.IR_adj_y ] - [ .5, .5 ]) * var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
[ var.WMIR_x, var.WMIR_y ] = [ var.wmNew_x , var.wmNew_y ] - [ var.ir_x , var.ir_y ]
var.WMIR_xy = [ var.WMIR_x, var.WMIR_y ]
var.IR_adj_c = 1 - EnsureRange(|var.WMIR_xy|, 0, .5) / 5
[ var.IR_adj_x , var.IR_adj_y ] = [ var.IR_adj_x , var.IR_adj_y ] * var.IR_adj_c
[ var.WMIR_cal_x, var.WMIR_cal_y ] = [ var.wm_x, var.wm_y ] - [ var.ir_x, var.ir_y ]
else // (if no IR dots visible)
[ var.Rough_x , var.Rough_y ] = ([ var.wmNew_x, var.wmNew_y ] - [ var.WMIR_x, var.WMIR_y ] + [ var.IR_adj_x , var.IR_adj_y ] - [ .5, .5 ]) * var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
[ var.Old_WM_x, var.Old_WM_y ] = ([ var.Rough_x , var.Rough_y ] - [ .5, .5 ]) / var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
var.WMIR_switch = 1
var.WMIR_xy = [ 0, 0 ]
if var.started = true and var.wmCalON = false then [ var.ir_x, var.ir_y ] = ([ var.Smooth_x , var.Smooth_y ] - [ .5, .5 ]) / var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
// ### WM / IR Ratio Checking
if (var.ratio = 0) or (var.ratio = 1) or IsNAN(var.ratio) then var.ratio = var.ra
if var.ra != 1 and abs(delta(var.ra))>0 then var.ratio = var.ratio * var.rb + var.ra * (1-var.rb)
var.ra = ((var.wmMax_x - var.wmMin_x)/(var.wmMax_y - var.wmMin_y))/((var.irMax_x - var.irMin_x)/(var.irMax_y - var.irMin_y))
if abs(delta(var.ra))>0 then var.rb = .9975
if abs(var.ratio - var.ra) < .05 {
if ( HeldDown(delta(var.wmMin_x)=0, 2s) = false ) and ( HeldDown(delta(var.wmMax_x)=0, 2s) = false ) then [ var.wmNewMin_x, var.wmNewMax_x ] = [ var.wmMin_x, var.wmMax_x ]
if ( HeldDown(delta(var.wmMin_y)=0, 2s) = false ) and ( HeldDown(delta(var.wmMax_y)=0, 2s) = false ) then [ var.wmNewMin_y, var.wmNewMax_y ] = [ var.wmMin_y, var.wmMax_y ]
if ( HeldDown(delta(var.irMin_x)=0, 2s) = false ) and ( HeldDown(delta(var.irMax_x)=0, 2s) = false ) then [ var.irNewMin_x, var.irNewMax_x ] = [ var.irMin_x, var.irMax_x ]
if ( HeldDown(delta(var.irMin_y)=0, 2s) = false ) and ( HeldDown(delta(var.irMax_y)=0, 2s) = false ) then [ var.irNewMin_y, var.irNewMax_y ] = [ var.irMin_y, var.irMax_y ]
// ### Map WM to IR
var.wmNew_x = MapRange( var.wm_x, var.wmNewMin_x, var.wmNewMax_x, var.irNewMin_x, var.irNewMax_x )
var.wmNew_y = MapRange( var.wm_y, var.wmNewMin_y, var.wmNewMax_y, var.irNewMin_y, var.irNewMax_y )
// ### Mouse Movement Smoothing
if IsInfinite(var.Smooth_x + var.Smooth_y) or IsNaN(var.Smooth_x + var.Smooth_y) then [ var.Smooth_x , var.Smooth_y ] = [ var.Rough_x , var.Rough_y ]
var.Smooth_delta = [ delta(var.Rough_x) , delta(var.Rough_y) ]
var.Smooth_c = EnsureRange(var.Smooth_c * .95 + (|var.Smooth_delta| * 100) * .05 , 1-EnsureRange(sqrt(var.MaxSmooth)/10, .00001, .99999), 1)
if IsInfinite(var.Smooth_c) or IsNaN(var.Smooth_c) then var.Smooth_c = 1
[ var.Smooth_x, var.Smooth_y ] = [ var.Smooth_x, var.Smooth_y ] * (1-var.Smooth_c) + [ var.Rough_x , var.Rough_y ] * var.Smooth_c
// ### Zoom Button
if delta(var.ZoomButton) then var.ZoomFrom = var.Roll/500
if var.ZoomButton then var.ZoomShift = var.ZoomShift + delta(var.Roll)/500 //(var.Roll/500 - var.ZoomFrom)
var.NewZoom = EnsureRange(var.Zoom + var.ZoomShift, .01, 100)
// ### Zoom Cursors
[ cursor1.Visible, cursor7.Visible ] = [ 1, 1 ] * var.ZoomButton + [ 1, 1 ] * KeepDown(delta(var.ZoomButton)<0, 1 second)
[ cursor13.Visible, cursor19.Visible ] = [ 1, 1 ] * var.ZoomButton + [ 1, 1 ] * KeepDown(delta(var.ZoomButton)<0, 1 second)
[ cursor1.x, cursor1.y ] = [ -.5, 0 ] * var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
[ cursor7.x, cursor7.y ] = [ -.16666, 0 ] * var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
[ cursor13.x, cursor13.y ] = [ .16666, 0 ] * var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
[ cursor19.x, cursor19.y ] = [ .5, 0 ] * var.NewZoom + [ .5, .5 ]
// ### Reset, Hold, and Mouse
//if var.ResetButton then [ var.Recenter_x, var.Recenter_y ] = [ var.Smooth_x, var.Smooth_y ] - [ var.Hold_x, var.Hold_y ] - [ .5, .5 ]
//if var.started and wiimote.Exists and not var.wmCalON {
// if not HeldDown(var.HoldButton, 50ms) {
// [ mouse.x, mouse.y ] = [ var.Smooth_x, var.Smooth_y ] - [ var.Recenter_x, var.Recenter_y ] - [ var.Hold_x, var.Hold_y ]
// else
// [ var.Hold_x, var.Hold_y ] = [ var.Smooth_x, var.Smooth_y ] - [ var.Recenter_x, var.Recenter_y ] - [ mouse.x, mouse.y ]
// }
lmb = var.LeftMouseButton
rmb = var.RightMouseButton
mmb = var.MiddleMouseButton
// ### Battery Test
if var.wmCalON = false and delta(var.wmCalON) {
var.Battery = EnsureRange(wiimote.Battery / 1.92, 0, 100)
if var.Battery < 15 then var.BattDebug = " ### LOW BATTERY ### "+ var.Battery +"%" else var.BattDebug = " Battery: "+ var.Battery +"%"
// ### Debug
if (var.wmCalON = true) or (var.BattDebug = 0) then var.BattDebug = ""
if var.UseCalDebug = 0 then var.UseCalDebug = ""
if (var.wmCalON = true) or (var.started = false) then var.ZoomDebug = "" else var.ZoomDebug = " Zoom: "+ var.NewZoom
if (abs(var.wmCalYaw) + abs(var.wmCalPitch) + abs(var.wmDeadZone) > 0.01) and (var.started and not var.wmCalON) {
var.UseCalDebug = " * Secondary Calibration * Out: "+ var.wmSpeedYP +" Cal: "+ [ var.wmCalYaw, var.wmCalPitch ] +" In: "+ var.wmSpeedYP_IN +" DeadZone: "+ var.wmDeadZone
if delta(var.wmCalON)<0 then var.ErrorON = 0.54
elseif (abs(var.wmCalYaw) + abs(var.wmCalPitch) + abs(var.wmDeadZone) <= 0.01) and ( var.started and not var.wmCalON)
var.UseCalDebug = " Default GlovePIE Calibration"
elseif var.wmCalON
var.UseCalDebug = " ### CALIBRATING ### Place the Wiimote down "
debug = var.BattDebug +" "+ var.ZoomDebug +" "+ var.UseCalDebug/*
// ### Debug Cursors
var.debugCursors = false
if var.debugCursors = true and var.started = true and var.wmCalON = false {
[ cursor3.Visible, cursor9.Visible ] = [ true, true ]
[ cursor15.Visible, cursor21.Visible ] = [ true, true ]
[ cursor2.Visible, cursor8.Visible ] = [ true, true ]
[ cursor14.Visible, cursor20.Visible ] = [ true, true ]
[ cursor3.x, cursor3.y ] = [ var.wmNewMin_x, var.wmNewMin_y ] - [ var.WMIR_cal_x, var.WMIR_cal_y ]
[ cursor9.x, cursor9.y ] = [ var.wmNewMax_x, var.wmNewMin_y ] - [ var.WMIR_cal_x, var.WMIR_cal_y ]
[ cursor15.x, cursor15.y ] = [ var.wmNewMax_x, var.wmNewMax_y ] - [ var.WMIR_cal_x, var.WMIR_cal_y ]
[ cursor21.x, cursor21.y ] = [ var.wmNewMin_x, var.wmNewMax_y ] - [ var.WMIR_cal_x, var.WMIR_cal_y ]
[ cursor2.x, cursor2.y ] = [ var.irNewMin_x, var.irNewMin_y ]
[ cursor8.x, cursor8.y ] = [ var.irNewMax_x, var.irNewMin_y ]
[ cursor14.x, cursor14.y ] = [ var.irNewMax_x, var.irNewMax_y ]
[ cursor20.x, cursor20.y ] = [ var.irNewMin_x, var.irNewMax_y ]
[ cursor3.Visible, cursor9.Visible ] = [ false, false ]
[ cursor15.Visible, cursor21.Visible ] = [ false, false ]
[ cursor2.Visible, cursor8.Visible ] = [ false, false ]
[ cursor14.Visible, cursor20.Visible ] = [ false, false ]
*/ -
¿Indigo tu mando de Wii es original de Nintendo?
el mio no es de Ebay y creo que ahi esta el problema
Si no es original me puedes pasar el link donde lo cooraste, ya no me quiero arriesgar mas con los clones
Macho tío no me digas que es eso el problema.
Sí el mando es original de Nintendo, lo pillé hace la tira en el Worten, no sé qué precio tendrá hoy por hoy.