Tema: Amimon: Video Streaming para Wireless VR


  • MaximVR

    17 Jun 2014 19:51

    Mensajes: 1163


    Oculus Go
    MaximVR » 1 MAR 2018  10:41

    En TomsHardware hay un articulo sobre esta empresa, Amimon, comentando que tienen previsto lanzar su módulo wireless para finales de año y que están en conversaciones con varios fabricantes para integrarlo en sus headsets.


    Las prestaciones son un poco mejores que las de TPCAST:
    Amimon’s wireless video transmission system operates on the 5GHz band, like a home WiFi signal. But the company said it doesn’t use the WiFi protocol; it developed proprietary transmitter and receiver chips to handle data transmission. Amimon said its AMN2130 baseband transmitter and AMN2230 baseband receiver are capable of handling 300 million pixels per second with less than 1ms of latency. By contrast, TPCast’s wireless solution, a high-frequency line-of-sight solution, can handle a 2K video feed (roughly 230 million pixels per second) with 2ms of added latency.


    Lo malo es que va muy justo para resoluciones y refrescos altos como la de los últimos headsets de Samsung para Microsoft MR:
    The current generation of the company’s technology supports the current generation of VR devices. Amimon said its hardware can handle the Vive and Rift’s demands for 2160x1200@90Hz, and it can be adapted for the PSVR’s 1920x1080@120 requirements. The current iteration of the company’s technology falls short of supporting the resolution of Windows Mixed Reality headsets and the upcoming Vive Pro HMD, but Kanonich said the next generation would support up to 4K@90Hz, which would be more than enough bandwidth for the new HMDs. Amimon said that its technology could also be adapted for use with tethered AR devices as well, such as Meta’s Meta 2 AR HMD.


    Pues eso, una empresa más trabajando en soluciones wireless para VR. A ver si se avanza en esta tecnología y pronto tenemos algo robusto y económico que nos permita, por lo menos opcionalmente, prescindir del cable.


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